January's Newsletter

Despite a slow start of the year, things are moving along!

Nerds Update

Most of the month has been dedicated to the next update, which is themed around nerd things. There's a few computer science creations, as an hommage to my previous job that I left six months ago! Coming to the website on February 9.

New kits

I've also created some new kits of low difficulty to replace the Christmas decorations, and even assembled some colorfoul big keychains to go with it! They will be added with the Nerd collection in a week.

First Workshop

Last but not least, the first workshop of the year is here! I will be teaching cross-stitch to kits next Wednesday at a local venue that is doing a lot of workshops and cool events.

What's in Store for February?

After the update, I will be working on adding to the store some creations that I've had for a while but never took the time to actually add to the store. For example, bracelets are coming, as well as kits to write names or words!

As always, thank you for reading and see you soon!


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